Chaîne youtube "Math-life balance"

Bonjour à tous,

Voici une chaîne Youtube, récemment créée, qui propose des entretiens (en anglais) avec des mathématiciens contemporains : Math-life balance. La description qui en est donnée sur la chaîne est la suivante :
My name is Mura Yakerson, I'm a mathematician working in algebraic geometry, a postdoc at ETH Zurich. In this channel I post my non-professional online-interviews with professional mathematicians. I ask my colleagues about their personal experience in math, their struggles and lifehacks. I hope that this shared experience would be helpful for other people in the math community, especially for young mathematicians!
Interviews are uploaded on Fridays, at 6 pm CET.
Enjoy the interviews, and in case you have comments, critics or encouragement to share, please send me an email. Please spread the word!

Au cas où cela pourrait en intéresser certains.


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